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I've seen lots of goldcrests in the last few days, but they are so small and flighty I was beginning to think that I'd never get a camera onto one. This bird, however, stayed on one tree for about twenty minutes, working around it almost randomly and never staying still for long, whilst I leant on a nearby tree and shot away.


I've seen lots of goldcrests in the last few days, but they are so small and flighty I was beginning to think that I'd never get a camera onto one. This bird, however, stayed on one tree for about twenty minutes, working around it almost randomly and never staying still for long, whilst I leant on a nearby tree and shot away.

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Photograph Location: Bushy Park, Teddington
Keywords: Wildlife, Birds
Camera settings: Canon EOS 20D. 1/500s. f/5.6. ISO400. Focal length 400mm

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